
Clinically approved Anxiety Treatment available.
Face to Face or Virtually Online for
children & adults.

Harley Street London | Loughton | Online | National | International

The Right Therapy
For You

Hypnotherapy and EMDR are both valuable tools for addressing various concerns and ailments by aiming to substitute negative thoughts or emotions with positive ones for enduring results. Although both therapies share this fundamental goal, their approaches differ significantly.

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that induces a heightened state of concentration and focused attention. Through hypnosis, individuals can become more receptive to suggestions aimed at fostering positive changes in how they perceive, feel, and behave.

Hypnosis is entirely natural, safe & relaxing, and YOU remain conscious & in complete control

Hypnotherapy and EMDR helps to effectively control anger healthily. Improving relationships with their partners, family, and even friends.

Enjoy drinking moderately, use hypnosis for control. Reduce urge to drink,
go alcohol-free for days. Moderate drinking habits form, stop bingeing..


With device distractions, procrastination is high. Hypnosis helps break this habit at work or home, boost productivity.


Fears and phobias can be reduced or eradicated with these therapies. Weโ€™ll find the root cause and help you to live a life less in fear

hypnotherapy for chronic pain with EMDR Harley Street


Hypnotherapy is very effective for dealing with chronic pain, reducing the frequency and levels of pain for sufferers

Positive mindset leads to success. Expecting the best boosts performance. Assistance for athletes in different sports.


Bereavement can take itโ€™s toll in many ways, and hypnotherapy can help you to find your way through the darkest of days

help insomnia with hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy can help insomnia and sleep issues, meaning a return to the healing benefits of a restful nights sleep


Feel confident in various presentations and events by managing fear and boosting control over public speaking nerves.


Trauma can be experienced for a variety of reasons, and EMDR and hypnotherapy are very effective in helping you to live your life to the fullest

Combat social media addiction with hypnosis treatment. Regain control for a balanced life.


Whether itโ€™s general weight gain, menopause or over eating, these therapies can help you to find your


Menopause can be
severely debilitating, but hypnotherapy can help reduce and manage symptoms

Relief From Anxiety With Hypnotherapy and EMDR


Both treatments can help to ease anxiety stress symptoms and panic attacks, freeing sufferers from their daily battles.


We explore why confidence is low and help the mind think positively, leaving fears and doubts behind.


Trauma can be experienced for a variety of reasons, and EMDR and hypnotherapy are very effective in helping you to live your life to the fullest



  • Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness where your mind can remain clear and focused on a single thing. Hypnosis can create rapid change in behaviour for emotional wellbeing through your subconcious mind

  • Hypnotherapy is a calm and relxing therapy, each session can vary depending on your requirements

  • Absolutely not, you will have full control at all all times, in fact more than you have probably ever known

  • Not at all. Therapeutic hypnotherapy is about the clientโ€™s welfare and the treatment is targeted towards ensuring the clients issues are addressed and resolved.

  • Yes, however there must be a desire to be hypnotised by the client

  • This really depends on the issues that need resolving, its not an exact science as each individual differs

โ€œEMDR & Hypnosis helped me through a painful divorce where I lost my confidence and had trauma related to affairs. I have regained my life and happiness thanks to Kamโ€

โ€” Linda, 52
Mother, Waitrose Executive


EMDR Harley Street Kam Harris

Book an appointment at either of my clinics:

10 Harley St, London W1G 9PF

The Angel Clinic, 8-10 High Beech Rd,
Loughton IG10 4BL

Alternatively if you prefer the comfort of your
own home, I offer
virtual appointments
anywhere in the world via Zoom