What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

Clinically approved Anxiety Treatment available.

Face to Face or Virtually Online for
children & adults.

Harley Street London | Loughton | Online | National | International

The World Health Organisation found
that 1 in 5 people have a mental health condition

In the simplest terms, EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that is designed to relieve the distress associated with traumatic memories, it is a powerful and effective method enabling people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences as described below.

PTS - Post Traumatic Stress - a build up in life of stressful, sad or traumatic events
PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that some people develop after experiencing
or witnessing a traumatic life-threatening event or serious injury. 
Anxiety Disorders - persistent and excessive anxiety or worry

It can be difficult and painful for sufferers to discuss events that have caused trauma or anxiety, the advantage of EMDR is that it does not require such disclosure, its not a talking therapy therefore it is ideal for anyone who may find it overwhelming or perhaps too emotional to talk about the events that have occurred. We use bilateral stimulation to process memories and traumas, with this specialist therapy we can work on several traumas in a single session, where multiple traumas are present it would be advisable to have follow up sessions for full clearance, thereafter a top up session in the future if required.

EMDR therapy proves that the mind can heal from psychological trauma in the same way that as the body recovers from physical trauma.

If you injure yourself physically, your body works to heal the wound however if it becomes infected, you will experience pain, but once this is dealt with, healing continues.

The same can be said of your mind, memories of traumatic experiences cause emotional pain and complications with our mental health.

Using EMDR techniques and processes I am able to help clients activate their natural healing processes.

Helping You To Heal Naturally

EMDR is a trauma-informed, solution focused therapy that was founded by Francine Shapiro (psychologist) in 1987 for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

During a walk in the park she discovered by chance that certain eye movements appeared to reduce negative emotions associated with her own traumatic memories, through research she found that others responded to eye movements in a similar way.

Since then, it has become one of the best ways to overcome anxiety, depression, phobias, fears, stress and a number of other mental health struggles. The goal of EMDR is to reduce distress in a short period of time, its a highly effective treatment for adults, teenagers and children.

  • Your first session is around 2 hours, in this time I will clearly explain the process and how it works. During this session we will work together to identify and alleviate the negative emotions and/or traumas that you are experiencing.

  • EMDR is not a form of hypnosis however with some clients I will use a combination of both to deliver more effective results. During EMDR you will remain conscious at all times.

  • EMDR has been used since the 80’s to help millions of people around the world, that said EMDR still isn’t as commonplace as hypnotherapy but it is fast becoming a leading therapy due to the effective results.

  • Every person is different, be gentle with yourself for the following 48 hours after a session. Old memories and thoughts may come to the surface during sessions and the way you process these can vary person to person. Keep a note of your emotions and discuss them at the following session.

  • Yes, there is no difference with exception of a screen being between us, the process is exactly the same delivering the same result. Some people prefer the privacy and comfort of their own home and this also allows me to help with people anywhere in the world.

  • Every person is different and wil have a varying experience. In general I recommend a minimum of 3 sessions however depending on your personal circumstances you may need more.


β€œI feel lighter and more in control of my anxiety, I find it easier to cope with difficult situations that arise”

β€” Anonymous, 22


EMDR Harley Street Kam Harris

Book an appointment at either of my clinics:

10 Harley St, London W1G 9PF

The Angel Clinic, 8-10 High Beech Rd,
Loughton IG10 4BL

Alternatively if you prefer the comfort of your
own home, I offer
virtual appointments
anywhere in the world via Zoom